Wednesday, 29 February 2012

The sexiest siren that ever lived - the Whore of Babylon ~ L.J

The sexiest siren to rapture the world? The Whore of Babylon
The most unlikely bride to succeed? The Church of Jesus Christ ~ L.J

The most unlikely bride to succeed - The Church of Jesus Christ
The sexiest siren to rapture the world - The Whore of Babylon
The deadliest number to ever resist - 666 - the mark of the Beast: the Antichrist.
The sexiest siren to have cut-short her life - The Whore of Babylon ~ L.J

Thurs 1 Mar 2012
My shadow’s long, poised and still
From dusk ‘til dawn I’m silent still
O Lord my God make haste to me
My final breath returns to Thee

So long you evening shadows
For longer still my timeless wake
I’ll waltz in seamless meadows
Far from that crimson lake

For now the angels gather my raptured soul elates
My God, my Lord, my Savior, You kept me in the Faith..
~ L.J

Why prophesy a word millenniums old when you could simply teach it?
A false security lies in vain deceit
~ L.J

All phunked up and debunked - the expedience of being modern. ~ L.J

Can one tell the two are never the twain?
The penitent and the impenitent, the sinner and saint?
For one is saved, and one is lost, one bears His fruit, the other rots
One has the Faith, the other’s tossed, never the twain yet quite the same
They’re proud and poor and pathetically pompous
So sheltered in ways and dastardly dishonest
I’ve lost some good faith in many a saint
these servants’ mild yet covetous for gain
Sinner and saint, though never the twain yet quite the same ~ L.J
31 Jan / Thur 1 Mar 2012
Hireling, hireling debonair, you promised pastures green
Hireling, hireling everywhere, no blade of grass is seen!
Hireling, hireling debonair you fleece the flock and beam!
But hark! The Shepherd’s near, the Shepherd’s back! the Master’s voice we heed
Hireling, hireling running mad - were wolves disguised as sheep!

Hireling, hireling hiding scared had you not a clue?
For by the measure you have used its measured back to you
And when the Book of Life is opened and find your name eschewed
Your judgment now long-spoken - “You, I never knew.”

Pastors preachers prophets friends promised pastures green
Flaunting visions, saving men, counting coffers clean
Hireling, hireling debonair what's come now of your schemes?
Hireling, hireling everywhere sure fired up in screams! ~ L.J

Tuesday 21/ Wed 29 Feb 2012
With the measure of love I render to you shall love return to me in like measure?

With the measure of grace I render to you shall grace return to me in like measure?

With the measure of mercy I render to you shall mercy return to me in like measure?

With the measure of patience I render to you shall patience return to me in like measure?

With the measure of hate I render to you shall hate return to me in like measure?

With the measure of violence I render to you shall violence return to me in like measure?

With the measure of condemnation I render to you shall it return to me in like measure? ~ L.J

Monday 20 Feb 2012
Any one who is dead in Christ and raised with Christ is a prophet, priest and king; and not shamelessly a worldly pilgrim ~ L.J Sunday 19 Feb 2012

The prosperity gospel lives in the heavenly realm of goodly things ~ L.J
Father, thank you for placing a painting on Frank Black’s website - Prophetic Scroll. May Your Name be honored and Your purposes glorified for Your pleasure. Thank You Jesus, You have done this for me who is undeserving but only of hell. ~ L.J

E.W. Kenyon, a southern Baptist minister expounded ‘the word of faith’ as a theological concept. But where his circle seemed apathetic, the Pentecostals seized it, sifted it, and made it the name-it-claim-it-blab-it-grab-it word-faith movement that sums up the prosperity gospel.
Similarly, Calvinism and some Calvinists are never the twain
For, of late, the latter has fashioned a cult,
and the doctrines of grace so shunned and disgraced!
And what of Augustine of Hippo and his City of God
An obnoxious twisted generation have set him at nought!
And even the Pauline letters have faced the onslaught
From messianic hate that slams it as heretical Greco-Roman thought ~ L.J, Purity Perverted

To this premillenialist, all of God’s generals - past and present - would seem dainty compared to the breed of men that will rise during the Tribulation ~ L.J

Forgive me, O Lord, for taking lightly and losing the treasure of Your holy Presence ~ L.J


Tuesday, 28 February 2012

·oil painting & word by Larry James
Why study Scripture
When its so much easier being a blissful idiot -
Gullible, naïve and deluded -
Led by the blind into outer darkness as damned for good.
All is fine, all is nice, la-la-la..
I'm-ok-You're-ok, la-la-la..
Four legs good, two legs bad! Baa-aaa-!!!
Why study Scripture when its so much easier being a blissful idiot -
Gullible, naïve and deluded -
Led by the blind into outer darkness and damned for good. ~ L.J

Wednesday 29 Feb 2012

‘IGNORANCE IS BLISS’ (proverb) - lack of knowledge results in happiness; Sometimes you are more comfortable if you don't know something. From Thomas Gray's poem, Ode on a Distant Prospect of Eton College (1742): "Where ignorance is bliss, 'tis folly to be wise."

Saturday, 25 February 2012

painting & word by Larry James 2012 Revelation 16.12The sixth angel poured out his bowl on the great river Euphrates, and its water was dried up, to prepare the way for the kings from the east. 13And I saw, coming out of the mouth of the dragon and out of the mouth of the beast and out of the mouth of the false prophet, three unclean spirits like frogs. 14For they are demonic spirits, performing signs, who go abroad to the kings of the whole world, to assemble them for battle on the great day of God the Almighty. 15(“Behold, I am coming like a thief! Blessed is the one who stays awake, keeping his garments on, that he may not go about naked and be seen exposed!”) 16And they assembled them at the place that in Hebrew is called Armageddon.17The seventh angel poured out his bowl into the air, and a loud voice came out of the temple, from the throne, saying, “It is done!” 18And there were flashes of lightning, rumblings,c peals of thunder, and a great earthquake such as there had never been since man was on the earth, so great was that earthquake. 19The great city was split into three parts, and the cities of the nations fell, and God remembered Babylon the great, to make her drain the cup of the wine of the fury of his wrath. 20And every island fled away, and no mountains were to be found. 21And great hailstones, about one hundred poundsd each, fell from heaven on people; and they cursed God for the plague of the hail, because the plague was so severe.
If the blood of goats and bulls could atone for the sins of man and appease a righteous God and the blood of Christ could equally do no more for his elect against the second death, the argument reeks of blasphemy. ~ L.J

Saturday 25 Feb 2012

RED WHITE & BLUE - THE MESSIANIC PRIESTHOOD · oil ·painting & word by Larry James Yeshua HaMashiach - the Son of David, the Son of God - superseded the Levitical priesthood as the culmination of the Law and the Prophets. At his death, the veil of the Temple was torn in two which effected his followers to access The Most Holy Place via his shed blood. If the blood of goats and bulls could atone for the sins of man and appease a righteous God and the blood of Christ could equally do no more for his elect against the second death, the argument reeks of blasphemy. Personally, the intensity of the painting suggests an incensed God tearing off the veil. Its like ‘enough is enough! away with the blood of bulls, your religious ordinances and all! This is as good as it gets - My Son for You, once and for all!’ (Hebrews 7; 2 Corinthians 3.14)

Saturday 25 Feb 2012

Friday, 24 February 2012

Trust no angel trust no man, are not these two from a fallen realm?

The angel of light will reap what he has sowed
He’ll reel into outer darkness to infernal dungeons below
While men of stubborn belief with death in their tow
Shall kneel in final judgment and in condemnation they’ll know -
GOD Almighty is Jesus, the same Jesus that once came humbly and low

Trust not angel trust not man that reek with odor from a fallen realm

~ L.J

Fri 24 Feb 2012
Some settle for hearsay, but a seeker sifts the truth for his own paradigm. Eureka! ~ L.J

Friday 24 Feb 2012

Monday, 20 February 2012

Talents that qualify temperament, so am I thankful to the Lord for the grace to express via brush, pen or guitar. The biblical matter of ‘talents’ are equally welcomed, Lord.. ~ L.J

Tuesday 21 Feb 2012

Sunday, 19 February 2012

 Any one who is dead in Christ and raised with Christ is a prophet, priest and king; yet some have flaunted shamelessly as an earthy pilgrim ~ L.J

~ L.J
The prosperity gospel lives in the heavenly realm of goodly things

Forgive me, O Lord, for taking lightly and losing the treasure of Your holy Presence ~ L.J

Sunday 19 Feb 2012

To deem it wiser and live by Law, my blood would spill by now!
But Someone took my lethal pill that I may stand in God, and not without ~ L.J

Sunday 19 Feb 2012
Calvinism and Calvinists are never the twain,
For of late, the latter has fashioned a cult!
And the doctrines of grace so shunned and disdained ~ L.J

Friday 17 Feb 2012

Tuesday, 14 February 2012

LUCIFER’S PRIDEFUL CHALLENGE · oil painting by Larry James

Creationism? Yes. A pre-Adamite world of Lucifer’s revolt, anarchy and expulsion (Isaiah 14; Ezekiel 28)? Yes, discerningly. But this Kabbalistic Big-Bang Theory with its ein sof and voila! leaves much to be desired as Darwinism. ~ L.J

14 Feb 2012
Creationism? Yes. A pre-Adamite world of Lucifer’s revolt, anarchy and expulsion (Isaiah 14; Ezekiel 28)? Yes, discerningly. But this Kabbalistic Big-Bang Theory with its ein sof and voila! leaves much to be desired as Darwinism. ~ L.J

14 Feb 2012

Creationism? Yes. A pre-Adamite world of Lucifer’s revolt, anarchy and expulsion (Isaiah 14; Ezekiel 28)? Yes, discerningly. But this Kabbalistic Big-Bang Theory with its ein sof and voila! leaves much to be desired as Darwinism.

Give me that ‘God created…God said…God made’ Genesis stuff any day ~ L.J

14 Feb 2012

Monday, 13 February 2012

Apparently unlikely ever to stop continuing on and on and seemingly unlikely ever to stop this ‘Them and Us’ issue, ‘Them and Us’ issue, ‘Them and Us’ issue. ~ L.J

13 Feb 2012
What little You ask of us that we abide in You and, that too, only You will do in spite of us for You are faithful ~ L.J

13 Feb 2012

Sunday, 12 February 2012

In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. ~ The Gospel of John 1.1

Everyone especially the postwar baby boomers are in tow for eternity at any second, so where will you be? Jesus is not a byword to bypass infinity, HE IS GOD your Maker. ~ L.J

Feb 2012
Everyone especially the postwar baby boomers are in tow for eternity at any second, so where will you be? Jesus is The Word not a mere byword to bypass an infernal infinity ~ L.J

13 Feb 2012
As the music plays to melting defenses
He spots his prey and moves in relentless
The willing, defenseless, anxious and proud
Came hoping for change, clueless no doubt
He throws in the challenge - ‘I’m convicted to give
beyond my tithing, my jewels and rings
Am I not ‘more blessed to give than to receive’?
Yea, The Lord is here, and He’s doing a new thing’
And a text out a context is a pretext of spiritual pimps!
Yea, a text out a context is a pretext - the perverse potion of spiritual pimps!

~ L.J Feb 2012

Friday, 10 February 2012


A day at The Office..


~ L.J 9 Feb 2012
As one taps into the debates and discussions of the online community, it may offer some leads on a subject matter but its certainly not the place to pick up theology. ~ LJ 10/2/2012
The online community is not the place to pick up theology ~ LJ 10/2/2012
Its always Them and Us - doctrinal vs. experimental, the conservatives vs. the liberal crackpots, truth vs. error, sound vs. unfound, exposition vs. exhibition, -ism vs. -ism ..Its always Them and Us, despite the cross ~ L.J


Revival comes by an anointed preaching of the Word (the onus being on the preacher), not by shallow experiences that leaves the inner man dissipating

Revival comes by hearing the Word of God preached under the anointing that will spur one back to study the Word, prayer, worship, witnessing, etc. Those preachers are so rare. ~

Revival comes by an anointed preaching of the Word (the onus being on the preacher), not by shallow experiences that leaves the inner man dissipating ~ L.J 10 Feb 2012

Friday, 3 February 2012

GOD’s last name is not Dammit nor Dunaway nor Dead. If you don’t believe now, you will later · painting & word by Larry James
GOD’s last name is not Dammit nor Dunaway nor Dead. If you don’t believe now, you will later. ~ L.J 3 Feb 2012