Friday 6 September 2024


HE101 3 assignments deadline Sep 30, 2024


Student no. S005722

Essay on Genesis 15 God’s Covenant with Abram & Romans 4:1-12 Justification by faith


Faith in God, exemplified by Abram, was expounded millenniums later by the Apostle Paul in a seminal letter to first century believers in Rome. For Paul, to believe God as Abram did - apart from circumcision, conduct and character - God credits righteousness to the ungodly who are defined as wicked, impious and irreverent according to Strong's Greek 765 ἀσεβής (asebés). Thus to Paul, the one who believes Jesus for his propitiation, death and resurrection as the Son of God is justified by faith, declared righteous and inherits the covenant promises made to Abraham if not for a better covenant in Christ based on better promises altogether.

Exegesis on Romans 4:1-12 Justification by faith


Prompted by God for the infinite, Abraham actually “believed in the LORD” for posterity, which God justified him as faithful and imputed his righteousness to him so as to model a standard for all who likewise believe the Lord Jesus Christ for salvation apart from efforts to earn it. The key to this freedom is Romans 4:5 And to the one who does not work but believes in him who justifies the ungodly, his faith is counted as righteousness.

Reflection on The Authority of the Bible


That God cannot err, issues claiming the Bible anachronistic, ancient and traditional, have provoked these respective authors because it undermines the authenticity of Scripture, its authority and immutability which, to nuance Scripture errs, makes God scandalous ever since the serpent first said to Eve, “Did God actually say..?” (Gen 3:1).

Thank You Father, Son and Holy Spirit in Jesus’ Name for empowering me to finish these three assignments in approximately 3 months + since the First draft 0900hrs Wednesday 22 May 2024 @ EUNOIA JC / MaryMount CC Tuesday 29 May 2024 🍞🍇❤️

Friday September 6, 2024